We are always looking for more people to get involved and help with the running of the Chapel and there are many ways in which you can do this and provide a valuable contribution.

Patrons: We have eight patrons who provide their support and much needed outside publicity about the Chapel and our work. 

Paul Benney
Julia Blackburn 
Dan Franklin
Rob Gildon
Tony Gillett
Paul Heiney
Libby Purves OBE
Dr Emma Wells

Trustees: There are currently four trustees of the newly created Charitable Incorporated Organisation who are responsible for the day to day running of the Chapel, which includes the governance, finances, memberships, the summer programme of events and overseeing the restoration work. The trustees are voted in by the Friends at the AGM.

Friends: We now have a dedicated group of Friends of Walpole Old Chapel who make up the membership and provide valuable support to the Chapel through their subscriptions and additional donations. They help decide the overall direction of the charity and vote for trustees at membership meetings. Some might have special skills that we need to draw upon to enhance our work on the Chapel. All Friends receive a special newsletter to keep them in touch with developments .We are determined to build up the numbers of Friends, and to create ways for them to become more directly involved. You can apply to become a Friend here.

Volunteers: Our volunteers make a huge contribution by stewarding at our public open sessions on Saturday afternoons and other events at the Chapel. They are drawn from the local area and may also be Friends too. This vital role can also be very rewarding, as stewards meet a wide range of visitors, who value and are interested in the Chapel. If you would be interested in volunteering please get in touch on the link below.

Finally, there are the Makers of crafts and produce sold at the Chapel. We are very fortunate to have so many talented Makers locally, who want to support the Chapel by donating part of their sales income. If you would like to sell your produce at the Chapel please contact us on the link below.

We are so grateful to everybody who supports the Chapel, and the charity, through one or more of these groups. It really is a collective effort that keeps the Chapel open and 'alive'. If you are not yet involved with the Chapel through one of these groups, and would like to find out more, please reach out and we will be glad to answer your questions. Thank you
Walpole Old Chapel
Halesworth Road
Suffolk IP19 9AZ

Registered Charity 1198030
This website has been supported through a grant from Councillors Locality Funding, Suffolk County Council
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