The Chapel needs repair and conservation to ensure its long-term survival for future generations. We need your help.
What you have raised so far.

As of January 2024, you have helped us to raise a total of c£115,000.

This has covered the project costs to date, taking us to the point where we have obtained Planning Permission and Listed Buildings Consent for the proposed work. But we still have a long way to go.

We would like to say a big thank you to the organisations and individuals who have contributed to this fantastic effort:

  • The many individuals, named and anonymous, who have contributed amounts large and small
  • The Historic Chapels Trust, for allocating its restricted ‘Walpole’ funds to this project
  • The Friends of Walpole Old Chapel, for allocating its ‘legacy’ funds to the project
  • Historic England, who funded the RIBA stage 4 investigatory works
  • Heveningham Hall Country Fair Trust, who provided the very first donation to get the project under way
  • The Stuart Heath Charitable Settlement
  • The Alfred Williams Charitable Trust
  • The Golden Charitable Trust
  • Rosedale Funeral Home
  • Hetty’s Little Copy Shop
  • Emmanuel College, Cambridge
  • Flagship Housing
  • Suffolk County Council
  • The Doric Charitable Trust
The Problem & What Needs to be Dome

The exterior render of the building is failing. Incorrect materials have been used in repairs over the last 50 years. There is now a significant risk to the timber structure of the building. A survey in 2017 established that remedial works would never solve this problem, and replacement of the render is the only long-term solution to preserve the Chapel for the future.

All the old render needs to be taken off, unwrapping the structure. This will reveal the timber frame and allow necessary repairs to be carried out. The building will then be re-rendered in traditional materials by experts. The timber frame is of great interest and there is much to learn from its construction and adaptation over time. The project will offer visitors the opportunity to see traditional craft techniques and materials in action. As we unwrap the building’s physical fabric, we are also revealing the social history of the Chapel and its communities over the centuries through our ‘Discovery’ project.

Who is Involved?
This project is being delivered, with your help, through a partnership between the owners of the Chapel and the local Friends:

Progress to date

As of June 2024, we are in a slight lull in proceedings. The planning approvals to proceed have been obtained, but the required funding has not.  The Friends of Walpole Old Chapel are now working with HCT and consultants Tricolor Associates to develop and implement a fundraising plan. We hope to secure substantial grant funding from national donors, but it is almost certain that we’ll have to raise some of the funds from local charities and individuals, and from our own fundraising activities. We will provide frequent project updates on our News page.

The cost
The current estimate of the cost for the repair and conservation work is that it could be near £400,000 (including VAT, some of which may be recoverable).  Whilst the repair and conservation of the building is vital, it is not the only factor that is important to the sustainability of the Chapel, and two other possible developments have now been added to the scope of the project which, if realised, will add to its overall cost.

  • We are in discussions about acquiring some land to improve car parking.
  • We are examining the feasibility of creating a small ‘visitor centre’ which would act as a display area, helping to preserve the unique experience of being in the Chapel’s interior.

Thank you for your continued help

Please support our campaign


Walpole Old Chapel
Halesworth Road
Suffolk IP19 9AZ

Registered Charity 1198030
This website has been supported through a grant from Councillors Locality Funding, Suffolk County Council
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